Star Trek: The Motion Picture Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Quote #4

KIRK: Were you right? About V'Ger?

SPOCK: A lifeform of its own. A conscious, living entity.

During his descent, Spock realizes that V'Ger is as much of a conscious being as any of them. The big question that remains is how it got that way. Any guesses?

Quote #5

SPOCK: I saw V'Ger's planet, a planet populated by living machines. Unbelievable technology. V'Ger has knowledge that spans this universe.

As we later learn, this is not V'Ger's home but its second home. Either way, the thought of a whole planet filled with conscious machines like V'Ger seriously melts our brains. Like what do they eat, for starters? And what's robo romance like?

Quote #6

ILIA: V'Ger signals the Creator.

KIRK: Spock?

SPOCK: A simple binary code transmitted by carrier-wave signal. Radio.

This shocks the crew because radio is hundreds of years out-of-date by now. Why would such an insane technological marvel employ such basic technology?