Spider-Man Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Spider-Man.

Quote #4

GREEN GOBLIN: What about my generous proposal? Are you in, or are you out?

SPIDER-MAN: It's you who's out, Gobby. Out of your mind.

GREEN GOBLIN: Wrong answer!

Um, we're with Spidey on this one. The Green Goblin is straight up crazy, a maniacal fragment of Norman's fractured mind.

Quote #5

NORMAN: Aunt May, I'm sorry I was late. Work was murder.

Oh, Norman. You have no idea…or does he? As the narrative progresses, it's unclear just how soon Norman becomes aware of the Green Goblin and his actions—and how soon they begin acting in concert instead of as two separate parts of Norman's personality.

Quote #6

PETER: You killed those people on that balcony.

NORMAN: The Goblin killed! I had nothing to do with it! Don't let him take me again. I beg you. Protect me.

PETER: You tried to kill Aunt May. You tried to kill Mary Jane.

NORMAN: But not you. I tried to stop it. But I couldn't stop it. I would never hurt you. I knew from the beginning, if anything ever happened to me, it was you I could count on.

Norman secretly presses a button that calls for his glider, which appears behind Peter.

Here, we finally know for sure that Norman and the Green Goblin are in cahoots. Gone are the days when Norman awoke with zero idea of what the Green Goblin had done the night before. Norman is in on the terror now, as evidenced by the fact that he secretly calls his glider and attempts to impale Peter with it, all while insisting that he would never hurt Peter. Nice try, Norm.