Skyfall Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Skyfall.

Quote #4

M: Find out who he works for and who has the list. Then terminate him, for Ronson.

Here M demonstrates that she isn't the heartless old bat some may have thought her to be. Even Bond may have thought that, temporarily. She has sacrificed an agent for the greater cause, but she feels a sense of loyalty to that agent's memory.

Quote #5

M: I f***ed this up, didn't I?

BOND: No. You did your job.

Bond and M come to a point of forgiveness when Bond realizes that M's loyalty to England is greater than anything else in her life. Bond knows he can't take it personally if he's second banana to Mother England.

Quote #6

MALLORY: Are you ready to get back to work?

BOND: With pleasure, M. With pleasure.

After M's death, her Union Jack-covered dog is passed to Bond. This gift—and the memory of M in general—is an incentive for Bond to take up her mantle and fight for England at any cost…as if he weren't doing enough already.