Transformation Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

“I don't change, Sam. I'm not really like you.” (24.50)

Grace might not physically change during the course of this novel, but does she experience any sort of psychological or emotional change? Or does she remain a static character?

Quote #8

“The only thing magical about it is that we can't explain it.” (39.15)

“Magic” is a term that's often used for things that humans don't understand. Could there be a scientific reason behind the change, or is it purely supernatural? Keep in mind that they manage to “cure” the disease with science.

Quote #9

This wasn't the silent struggle of Sam trying to stay human that I'd seen before. This was violent, angry, loud. [...] [Jack's] skin bulged and shimmered for a moment before each radical change, like a placenta covering a terrifying, feral infant. (50.7)

When Sam watches Jack change, it's not that remarkable. He's used to it. But here, as Grace watches him change, it's a horror show. Plus, more bonus icky-sticky birth imagery.