Transformation Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Lying next to the girl who rescued me, my simple humanity felt like a triumph. (16.2)

Sam doesn't just have to grapple with transforming into a wolf, he has to deal with transforming back when he isn't supposed to. This is a triumph for him, but we think it's anything but simple. It's practically the whole focus of the book! Why does he think it's simple?

Quote #5

I didn't even really understand how being shot had given me back my human form in this cool weather. (16.18)

That's the problem with supernatural transformations: there's just no way to tell exactly how they'll work.

Quote #6

Jack didn't need a transformation to become a monster. (24.25)

This is a key concept in the book. Wolves basically have the same personality that they have as a human, so a non-violent person like Sam is still a non-violent wolf. Does being a wolf heighten any aspects of the shifter's personality?