Love Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

“[Shelby] thinks she's in love with me. She wants to be in love with me.” (26.45)

Sam uses the word “thinks” here. Who is he to judge how Shelby feels about him? Might you also be able to say “Grace thinks she's in love with Sam”?

Quote #8

“Which one do you like?” [...] I tilted my head toward the blue one. “No contest.” (35.5, 35.7)

Grace's mother gives Sam a choice between “love” and “lust.” No, this isn't a scene out of The Graduate or “Stacy's Mom.” Maybe it is some sort of teen purity test, but what really matters is that Sam chooses love.

Quote #9

“It's just so fast. I want you to” – I stopped short of saying love me, because it seemed so presumptive. (37.34)

Sam's need for love, like Grace's borders on neediness. How do you think Grace have reacted if he did complete this sentence?