Love Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Whatever [Sam] was, he was here now, and I wasn't about to lose him. (12.53)

Grace hasn't really experienced any sort of intense love during her life, so she feels like this is her one and only shot at it. She wants to hang onto Sam at any cost, no matter the danger to either of them.

Quote #5

My wolf was a cute guy and he was holding my hand. I could die happy. (14.66)

Going back to our Charlotte's Web analogy, if Wilbur had become human and he and Fern were older, would Fern have dated him? Would she have slept with him? How are their relationships different, and why is Grace so attached to something that isn't even her species?

Quote #6

What if [Grace] was in love with some other wolf and she only thought it was me? How would I ever know? (21.52)

Would it matter if Grace was in love with a different wolf in the past if she's in love with Sam, as a human, in the present?