Fear Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It would have been unbearably romantic if [Sam] had the courage to look into my face and say it, but instead he dropped his eyes to the ground. (24.56)

Even Grace has begun noticing how Sam's anxiety and fear affects his behavior. He probably thinks it's all internal, but it's a bigger issue than he can contain.

Quote #8

We didn't run. [...] Running would've meant acknowledging something that I wasn't ready to face in front of her—something that I was. (25.1)

Just because someone is afraid doesn't mean that they run. In Sam's case, he just stays still. That can be more dangerous.

Quote #9

This wasn't about lust. It was about fear. (26.79)

Part of the reason that Sam and Grace spend the night together so much isn't because they're attracted to each other (which they are), but because of the warmth that keeps the cold at bay. Sam fears the cold because it will turn him back into a wolf.