Fear Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“I know you're about to tell me the wolves aren't dangerous. Well, obviously they are. And obviously, someone's going to have to do something about that.” (10.29)

Fear prompts the townspeople to turn to violence in order to “do something about it.” But not everyone is a wolf whisperer like Grace. What else can they do?

Quote #5

It was terrifying to not know where I was. (11.2)

As a wolf, Sam depends on his senses to orient himself. Plus, he seems to be just as anxious as a wolf as he is as a human. Sam needs to know where he is. The gunfire of the hunters causes chaos, and with chaos comes even more fear.

Quote #6

I sincerely regretted not kissing [Grace] a moment ago. (17.63)

Again, Sam lets his anxiety get the better of him, and it practically renders him paralyzed. Later, he regrets his inaction, but he can't turn back time.