How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Dante kept his home phone number on the school blackboard for any student who needed to use it. Girls called, mostly […] They were snippy when they got me instead of him. (21.8)
If Dolores is jealous of Dante's students at this stage, she doesn't show it—perhaps because she still trusts him. The high school girls, however, well, they don't know any emotion other than jealousy.
Quote #8
"You sure aren't like Dante's last girlfriend," [Paula] shouted. "What do you mean?" "Well, I don't know exactly. You just seem more like us—a faculty wife." Which meant frumpy, I guessed. (21.146)
We're not sure if Dolores is jealous of Dante's last girlfriend, with her revealing tops and bodacious figure, or if she's insulting Paula here, or both. Dolores does have a tendency to lash out at others when she's feeling inadequate.
Quote #9
"Watch out for Dante," I said. "He bites." (26.114)
It's hard to tell if Dolores is once again offering unasked-for advice to one of Dante's girlfriends (the last time was to a high school student who had a crush on him) because she's genuinely concerned about the girl, or because she's jealous that Dante has moved on… and she hasn't.