How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
[Ma's] newfound sassiness was all for Jack's benefit. (6.143)
Dolores wouldn't have had a problem if Ma was being sassy to Dad, but she has a problem with her being sassy for Jack because she wants all of Jack's attention to herself.
Quote #5
My mumbling to myself turned into a silent conversation to Dante's picture. "Look out for her," I told him. "I wouldn't trust her farther than I could throw her." (13.95)
Honestly, Dolores could probably throw Kippy pretty far since she's bigger than her and Kippy seems like a precious little flower. But it's pretty extreme that Dolores is jealous that Kippy gets attention from a boy Dolores hasn't even met.
Quote #6
It wasn't that I hated [Kippy], exactly; she just didn't deserve someone as sensitive as Dante. (14.8)
Dolores is jealous of Kippy's relationship with Dante, and she feels she's more deserving of it, but why? Dolores is one of the most insensitive people (at least on the outside) we've ever met.