A Separate Peace Gene Forrester Quotes

Gene Forrester

Quote 22

I spent as much time as I could alone in our room, trying to empty my mind of every thought, to forget where I was, even who I was. […] I decided to put on his clothes. […]

This gave me such intense relief […]. I would never stumble through the confusions of my own character again (5.4-5).

Gene loses his guilt because he abandons his identity, at least momentarily, by "becoming" Phineas.

Gene Forrester > Phineas

Quote 23

"Listen you maimed son-of-a-b****…"

I hit him hard across the face. I didn't know why for an instant; it was almost as though I were maimed. Then the realization that there was someone who was flashed over me (6.46-7).

Gene again steps out of his own character and assumes Finny's identity, as a crippled (and defensive) guy.

"You've been pretty lazy all along, haven't you?"

"Yes, I guess I have been."

"You didn't even know anything about yourself."

"I don't guess I did, in a way" (8.131-4).

Notice that, in order to learn more about himself, Gene has had to become like Finny – by becoming an athlete.