A Separate Peace Gene Forrester Quotes

Gene Forrester

Quote 31

I noticed something about Finny's own mind, which was such an opposite from mine. It wasn't completely unleashed after all. I noticed that he did abide by certain rules, which he seemed to cast in the form of Commandments. "Never say you are five feet nine when you are five feet eight and a half" was the first one I encountered (3.6).

What is it that governs Finny's set of rules? Is there any sense of morality or logic to his system?

Gene Forrester > Phineas

Quote 32

"You aren't going to start playing by the rules, are you?"

I grinned at him. "Oh no, I wouldn't do that," and that was the most false thing of all (5.82-3).

Following Finny's rebellious lead is one of the ways that Gene shows loyalty to his friend. Without Phineas, he has no reason to transgress.

Gene Forrester

Quote 33

Still it had come to an end, in the last long rays of daylight at the tree, when Phineas fell. It was forced on me as I sat chilled through the chapel service, that this probably vindicated the rules of Devon after all, wintery Devon. If you broke the rules, then they broke you (6.7).

This sounds like more justification on Gene's part. It wasn't the rules that broke Phineas; it was Gene.