Savvy Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But when that preacher reached his last Amen, sorrow and grief unleashed the savvy of young and old alike. (26.7)

It has got to be really hard to scumble your way through suffering.

Quote #8

I knew that, despite Fish's newfound confidence, the memories of his full-blown thirteenth-birthday hurricane would haunt him for a long, long time. (28.11)

Deep suffering leaves scars, and not just the kind that shows up on your skin—emotional and behavioral suffering can leave emotional and behavioral scars. Perhaps that's part of the reason that Fish's concepts of loyalty and family are the way they are—because wants to spare his family from some of his suffering.

Quote #9

I remembered again that this was all my fault, that we wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me and a savvy that had come and dropped me into hot water fast. (29.40)

Mibs continually grieves: for herself, for her mistakes, and for the circumstances she's in. While she definitely has plenty to feel sad about—her dad's in a coma, after all—experiencing a whole lot of change at once can cause anyone to grieve.