Savvy Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If I wasn't careful of Grandpa's feelings, his grief would make the ground rumble, buckling the sidewalks… I pretended not to notice the tears on Grandpa's cheeks as we walked on along the beach. But I held his hand tight and strong all the way back home. (14.4)

The Beaumonts have to be especially careful with their savvies and letting their emotions get the better of them, or else terrible things can happen. This is a good example of why scumbling is so important, and shows what a good scumbler Grandpa has to be, considering his savvy. Suffering must be that much harder when you have to constantly worry about causing an earthquake by releasing your pain.

Quote #5

I felt as though someone had punched me in the stomach and pulled out all my bones, turning me into a queasy, useless blob of Jell-O. (17.33)

This is the point where the effects of Mibs's lying and deceit truly hit her, and she stops lying to herself. The only person who's making Mibs suffer here is Mibs.

Quote #6

"He's going to be mad," said Will, and for the first time on that whole trip Will looked painfully, miserably unhappy. (24.18)

Interestingly, Will's grief comes from disappointing the people that he loves most in the world. Do you think this is because Will Junior cares more about what other people think that he does about his own opinion of himself?