Savvy Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Will looked back at me, startled, and I kept my heart muscle strong… it wanted time to send down roots. (27.19)

Mibs shows a new kind of maturity and perseverance—the kind that knows that it's best to wait, rather than jump in right away, and that speaks its own truth no matter how it impacts another person.

Quote #8

I wouldn't let the voices of bullies or meanies or people who barely-hardly knew me work their way in to my brain and stick. (28.33)

Let's just go ahead and say it: One of the most multifaceted parts of Mibs is her ability to persevere, and to do so in a variety of ways. Here she perseveres in accepting herself by refusing to let negative voices take up space in her head.

Quote #9

"I just need to settle up with her, Lill. I just need to p-pay Carlene what I owe her from the B-Bibles and then I'm done, then I'm yours—if you'll have me, that is." (28.35)

Go get what you want, Lester. This is what perseverance is really about: daring to try to achieve everything you want. It is an interesting turnaround for Lester, considering that at the beginning he was nearly ready to throw in the towel.