Savvy Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'm not sure what is was about my shy and shadowy Samson, but his touch always made a person feel more braced up inside. (13.4)

This part introduces an interesting new angle on Samson—the fact that he seems to have gotten his savvy earlier than most people. On top of that, Samson's savvy, while calming and re-centering people, also aids in their ability to persevere in what they're doing. Things seem hopeless here, but Samson is able to help Mibs keep going.

Quote #5

Bobbi didn't say anything, so I continued on with a little more backbone, lowering my shoulders an inch and sticking my head out of my shell. (25.49)

Here's another question about what perseverance means: Does it mean going on even when the result might be bad or impossible to achieve? How about when it makes you do something potentially dangerous? Mibs shows us here that the persevering part of her character also makes her ignore her ingrained habits and find strength that she didn't know she had inside. Is that a good definition of perseverance—the strength to ignore what we think is the safe path to take?

Quote #6

Since we'd left Lincoln, she'd been coaching him, giving Lester tips on how to talk to people and how to present himself like a businessman… Now it was her turn to fidget and fret. (27.6)

Lill shows a particular kind of perseverance here, the waiting kind. Perseverance isn't really an action, it's a state of mind—Lill must persevere through the next few minutes even though it probably seems like hours, maintaining her faith in Lester no matter what happens during his sale.