Savvy Innocence and Loss of Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"But I'll tell you a secret about sixteen… Sixteen can feel older and scarier than forty-two, which is what I am. I think Bobbi's just feeling sharp-edged right now, so don't you mind her." (16.15)

The knowledge that Bobbi's gained since losing her own innocence can have a major effect on a person—it can make them clam up, or become snooty and bossy, or even sad. That's why sixteen feels older than forty-two—you gain a bunch of knowledge really quickly, and don't yet have years to live with it.

Quote #8

Maybe some good would come from this big mess I'd made after all. (24.34)

For Mibs, this is a moment that shows how much knowledge she's gained, and how much of her innocence she has lost. Here Mibs is willing to admit to herself how much trouble she's caused, but isn't willing to let herself be depressed and unwilling to persevere.

Quote #9

I thought about her question for a long time… If someone had said those same words to me yesterday I might have shrugged them off. But a lot can change in a day. (25.58)

There's no set pace for losing innocence, and Mibs is totally right: a lot can change in a day.