Savvy Innocence and Loss of Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I couldn't understand any of it. Nothing about what was happening felt right. What had happened to my savvy? (7.23)

We know that Mibs is currently lying to herself about what her savvy is. Might she be doing so in hopes of holding on to some of her innocence that she knows that she's lost?

Quote #5

If that angel hadn't been whispering in my head, telling me how Bobbi was just as nervous as the rest of us, I would've thought that she had no cares at all, that she was just a powerful sixteen-year-old-muscle. (9.2)

The benefit of losing innocence is that you gain knowledge in return, and that's what Mibs is seeing here: she's able to have new perspective on Bobbi, and then get a new understanding of Bobbi and why Bobbi is the way that she is.

Quote #6

But as I grew up, I began to understand that a savvy is just a know-how of a different sort. (14.6)

A loss of innocence can also be called a growing in understanding, since innocence is really just a lack of knowledge and experience.