Savvy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Fish, seeing me upset and not bothering to find out what might have happened, closed in on Will Junior and spun him around, clocking him hard and fast in the eye with his fist. (12.8)

Protect the ones who are closest to you and they'll protect you when you need it too. The funny thing is that here Fish shows how reckless he can be. Fish is the kind of person that punches first and asks questions later—which says a lot about how far outside of society the Beaumonts have to be to survive.

Quote #8

"There'll be none of that business with my sister," said Fish. (25.17)

Here you can see the difference between Fish and Poppa very clearly: Poppa protects Mibs, but embraces who she is, while Fish protects Mibs and builds a wall around her to keep everyone else out.

Quote #9

Momma's face drooped, the warm smile she'd greeted us with vanishing for a half second before being replaced with a very different kind of smile—the kind of smile born from love and sorrow and the desire to protect us all from our very worst fears. (34.21)

Here the story gives us an interesting perspective on a character that we thought we knew already. Momma, who is perfect in every way, seems to falter—she seems to be unable to handle the situation properly, even if it is only for a few seconds. Or is it that Mibs is maturing in a new way, and is able to see the cracks in Momma's perfection?