Savvy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And we didn't care that Poppa had no savvy, and he didn't care that the rest of us did… or would. (5.18)

Home is where they have to let you in, no matter what you're like. And if you can accept yourself then you're always home, no matter who's around you. Poppa is a good example of an accepting personality, and in a way he exemplifies the motto of the Beaumonts: accept yourself for who you are, because you're still family no matter what.

Quote #5

Fish scowled at the two girls, and a burst of wind hit us all so sharp and sudden that it sent them scurrying from the open doorway to check their hair and fix up all their froufrou frippery. (6.6)

Family means protecting your annoying little sister while using your secret super power. This is a very telling moment about Fish: while he's willing to be gruff with outsiders and even with members of his own family (like a typical big brother), he's still a caring person who's willing to step outside his safety zone to take care of the people he cares about.

Quote #6

"Mibs doesn't need a doctor, Miss Rosemary," Fish kept saying as he grabbed for the telephone in the woman's hand. "All she needs is to go home. To go home now!" (7.8)

No one know how to take better care of their own than family. Fish certainly knows how important that is here. From his own experience, Fish knows firsthand how bad it can be if Mibs's savvy goes off with all these people around, so to protect the family, he does whatever it takes to get everybody to a safer place.