Samson Agonistes Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line number)

Quote #7

SAMSON: But I Gods counsel have not kept, his holy secret presumptuously have publish'd, impiously... a sin that Gentiles in thir parables condemn (498-501)

Samson thinks his fault is so bad that even non-Jews (that would be "Gentiles") punish it as a terrible thing. And you know you've really messed up in the Biblical world when Gentiles think you've done something wrong.

Quote #8

MANOA: Be penitent and for thy fault contrite, but act not in thy own affliction, Son, repent the sin but if the punishment thou canst avoid, self-preservation bids (503-505)

Do you agree with Manoa's distinction between guilt and punishment? He's basically saying that you can feel guilty and repent without taking the punishment—but Samson doesn't agree. To him, guilt and punishment go together. In other words, if do the crime, you have to do the time.

Quote #9

SAMSON: All these indignities... these evils I deserve and more, acknowledge them from God inflicted on me justly (1169-1171).

Samson admits that his God might be responsible for his suffering, but he isn't to blame. Another interesting distinction: blame implies something bad, but "responsible" implies that we're going to see some good come of this whole situation.