Samson Agonistes Guilt and Blame Quotes

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Quote #4

SAMSON: Appoint not heavenly disposition, Father, nothing of all these evils hath befall'n me but justly; I my self have brought them on. Sole author I, sole cause (374-376).

Samson seems pretty keen on making it clear to Dad that God isn't to blame—even though he almost seems willing to blame God at other points. But if God is the one who gave him strength, then couldn't it be God who arranged to have it taken away?

Quote #5

SAMSON: [Dalila] purposed to betray me and (which was worse then undissembl'd hate) with what contempt she sought to make me Traytor to my self (399-401)

A real example of how complex this whole blame thing can be. How exactly can someone else make you a traitor to yourself? Does that make the other person a traitor?

Quote #6

SAMSON: Spare that proposal, Father... let me here, as I deserve, pay on my punishment; and expiate, if possible, my crime (488-490)

Samson doesn't only take responsibility for what's happened, he wants to continue to be punished for it. This is actually approaching epically messed-up levels. Is there any good in wallowing in your own guilt?