Rules and Order Quotes in Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Spook gave me a measuring rod so that I could make the pit exactly six feet long, six feet deep, and three feet wide. (7.14)

This is one of Spook's rules. At first, it seems like he is just making Tom work for the heck of it. But, as we see later on, the Spook doesn't make up rules for fun. Disobeying them can have serious consequences.

Quote #8

"Never make a promise that you're not prepared to keep." (8.3)

This little gem of wisdom is something Tom's dad told him, and it's a rule that governs Tom's life. Tom keeps working as the Spook's apprentice in order to keep a promise to his Mam. But keeping his promise to Alice gets Tom into a lot of trouble. So maybe there are some promises that you shouldn't keep—especially if they go against bigger, more important promises you've made to yourself?

Quote #9

That was the mistake Billy Bradley made. [...] He cut corners. (10.95)

Here's proof that if you fail to follow the rules, the consequences can be deadly. Tom's lucky that his mistakes have just resulted in small injuries. So far. Billy Bradley, the Spook's former apprentice, wasn't so lucky.