Rules and Order Quotes in Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Never walk down this path after dark." (5.63)

One good thing about the Spook's rules is that they're pretty cut and dry. There's no gray area here. Well, unless we get really particular. Can we run down that path after dark?

Quote #5

"This is the southern garden," the Spook said. "Don't come here after dark either." (5.84)

Jeez. Where can Tom go after dark? Sometimes, having to follow a lot of rules can feel stifling. Some nights, all you really want to do after dark is plant a few turnips, you know?

Quote #6

"To thank me properly, you need to give me something." (6.76)

This is one of Alice's rules. And even though she makes it up right on the spot, Tom follows it. We guess he's used to following everyone's rules by this point. Plus, when you think about it, what rules aren't made up?