Remember Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

When it comes to the form and meter of "Remember," there are two things you need to know: iambic pentameter and sonnet. Iambic pentameter, now that sounds familiar. You've probably heard that phras...


Being remembered after death—it's just what makes the speaker of "Remember" tick. She keeps telling her beloved to remember her, because, well, she's obsessed with death. Okay maybe obsessed is p...

Sound Check

If we had to describe the sound of "Remember" in two words, those two words would be "commanding" and "consoling." We'll just call them the two C's. And it makes sense that we need two words to des...

What's Up With the Title?

"Remember"—that's it. Pretty simple title, right? Yep, it's just one word that summarizes the poem's major theme: remembrance. This is a poem, after all, spoken by a woman who is thinking about h...

Calling Card

Christina Rossetti was obsessed with death, no doubt about that, but in a very strange way. Time and time again her poems about death (which are usually about what happens after death) are also wei...


"Remember" is a pretty easy go. Other than a few strange phrases (all that stuff about it being too late to counsel or pray or the part of darkness and corruption), everything runs pretty smoothly....


Things didn't always go so well for the young Christina Rossetti. In the 1840s she suffered a nervous breakdown and had to leave school. (Source.)Apparently Christina Rossetti was quite picky. She...

Steaminess Rating

Sadly folks there's nothing raunchy, dirty, or sexual in here. Yeah, sometimes love and death can be made pretty erotic, but that's just not what the young Christina Rossetti was going for in "Reme...