Perseverance Quotes in Ready Player One

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I read every novel by every single one of Halliday's favorite authors. (6.6)

That means that Wade's read around 400 books in about four years. In addition to watching all that TV, all those movies, and listening to all that music. That's a lot of devotion to culture from 60 years before his time. That would be like us watching Casablanca 20 times a week. How in the world has he found the time?

Quote #5

I had watched WarGames over three dozen times. (11.9)

That's pretty much three days straight with Matthew Broderick. The only other person with the same level of perseverance is Sarah Jessica Parker, and more power to her.

Quote #6

I made a silent vow not to go outside again until I had completed my quest. I would abandon the real world altogether until I found the egg. (16.28)

Not that Wade was exactly an upstanding member of society to begin with, and his never going outside again doesn't really mean anything because he never went outside in the first place. What this shows is his extreme devotion to the quest.