Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: an Introduction Writing and Literature Quotes

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Quote #10

I've written about my brother before. For that matter, with a little good-humored cajoling I might conceivably admit that there's seldom been a time when I haven't written about him, and if, presumably at gunpoint, I had to sit down tomorrow and write a story about a dinosaur, I don't doubt that I'd inadvertently give the big chap one or two small mannerisms reminiscent of Seymour […]. Some people - not close friends - have asked me whether a lot of Seymour didn't go into the young leading character of the one novel I've published. Actually, most of these people haven't asked me; they've told me. To protest this at all, I've found, makes me break out iii hives, but I will say that no one who knew my brother has asked me or told me anything of the kind - for which I'm grateful, and, in a way, more than a bit impressed, since a good marry of my main characters speak Manhattanese fluently and idiomatically, have a rather common flair for rushing in where most damned fools fear to tread, and are, by and large, pursued by an Entity that I'd much prefer to identify, very roughly, as the Old Man of the Mountain. ("Seymour" 1.7)

Many people think that this "novel" Buddy refers to is actually Catcher in the Rye. Do you see any similarities between Seymour and the protagonist of Catcher, Holden Caulfield? Or is Buddy right to imply that there is no relationship between them?