Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: an Introduction Writing and Literature Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I read and reread the quotation, and then I sat down on the edge of the bathtub and opened Seymour's diary. ("Roof Beam" 3.28)

It's almost as though the quotation written by Boo Boo functions as an epigraph for Buddy's reading of the diary.

Quote #8

My original plans for this general space were to write a short story about Seymour and to call it 'SEYMOUR ONE', with the big 'ONE' serving as a built-in convenience to me, Buddy Glass, even more than to the reader - a helpful, flashy reminder that other stories (a Seymour Two, Three, and possibly Four) would logically have to follow. Those plans no longer exist. ("Seymour" 1.4)

This reveals the way Salinger has been writing about Seymour – not in an organized or linear fashion (though this may have been the original plan), but instead in fragmented and complementary pieces.

Quote #9

I'm anything but a short-story writer where my brother is concerned. What I am, I think, is a thesaurus of undetached prefatory remarks about him. I believe I essentially remain what I've almost always been - a narrator, but one with extremely pressing personal needs. I want to introduce, I want to describe, I want to distribute mementos, amulets, I want to break out my wallet and pass around snapshots, I want to follow my nose. In this mood, I don't dare go anywhere near the short-story form it eats up fat little undetached writers like me whole. ("Seymour" 1.4)

This sums up "Seymour: an Introduction" in a very Salinger-esque nutshell. This is the form that the narrative takes. Is there, perhaps, the very rigid bones of a narrative structure lurking underneath this façade of spontaneity?