Spirituality Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The Dome is good. It watches over us like the benevolent eye of God." (30.52)

Psssh, yeah right. Preaching spirituality doesn't always work, folks. Especially if it's in favor of a corrupt regime.

Quote #5

He's dealing in dangerous ideas, throwing around God and sin to benefit the powerful because he wants to be more powerful. (30.53)

Pressia makes a pretty good point: just because you can throw around words like God and religion, that doesn't make what you're saying good. In fact, Ingership is just trying to manipulate her.

Quote #6

Her doll-head fist, already blackened by ash, stares at her. She used to talk to it when she was little, and she was sure that the doll understood her. (36.7)

This is nothing short of spiritualizing her doll. Oftentimes loneliness can be cured by giving human qualities to an object.