Sacrifice Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Tell your father that he can have whatever he wants. He can have the pills. He can take me. Just not this." (56.17)

Nothing can trump the safety of your child. Aribelle is willing to give up her whole mission just for the safety of Sedge.

Quote #8

She raises the gun, takes aim at her mother, draws in a breath, lets it halfway out, and then she closes her eyes. She pulls the trigger. (57.10)

Pressia isn't exactly sacrificing her mother here, because she's going to die anyway. But by shooting her, Pressia is giving up a part of herself: her childhood.

Quote #9

"I never activated the ticker. I switched the wiring. If anyone flipped the switch, it would only deactivate the bugs. I said I wouldn't put you in harm's way. I promised." (59.67)

Ingership's wife could have conformed to his rules. If she had followed his orders, she would have been safe. But she still puts her own life in danger for the sake of the wretches.