Sacrifice Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He wouldn't know if we were alive, but he was willing to sacrifice that knowledge to make us think that he'd died." (53.17)

Not knowing is sometimes better than knowing. Sacrificing knowledge can be pretty dangerous, but for Ellery, pretending to be dead is better than knowing if others were alive.

Quote #5

"It was the story of a child who was cared for—a child with a routine. A healthy child. A child better off where she was." (53.43)

One of the biggest sacrifices of them all; Aribelle leaves Pressia with her grandfather because she had a better chance of surviving with him.

Quote #6

"I made a small sacrifice," he said.
"Do you want to take it back?"
He stares at the bandage, the end darkened by dry blood. He shakes his head. "No." (54.26)

Partridge's pinky sacrifice is difficult to begin with, but he refuses the offer to have it fixed? Missing a pinky is now a part of him; sometimes sacrifices can make you who you are.