Hate Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The thing is—they could save them all, but they won't. (28.61)

Cynicism is another form of hate that a lot of the characters exhibit throughout the book. Bradwell, in particular, channels his hate for the Dome through his own pessimistic beliefs. No one in the Dome can be good… even if they have the capability to be good.

Quote #8

"Deaths do not speak to Our Good Mother unless addressed!" (37.38)

Okay, so we get that you don't like men, but "Deaths?" That's a pretty harsh nickname.

Quote #9

"Out of the Dome?" It's a death sentence. She won't be able to breathe the air. She'll be attacked. The wretches will rise up, rape her, and kill her. Outside the Dome, the trees have eyes and teeth. The ground swallows girls who have any bit of their human shape left. They are burned alive at stakes and feasted on. (42.53)

Just like how Pressia thinks about how the Pures all eat cake and play sports, this is what Lyda thinks about the wretches. And even though she's partially right about what might happen to her, we can't help but feel like she's being a bit hyperbolic here.