Hate Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He hates OSR, which he sees as feeble, weakened by their own greed and evil, incapable of taking down the Dome or effecting any real change. "Just another corrupt tyrant," he says. (5.22)

Poor OSR; no one likes them. Bradwell's hate for them is just another example of how there really is just an infinite amount of animosity in the world they live in. Not only does he hate the Dome, but he hates the OSR too. So really: who does he like?

Quote #5

They let the soldiers form tribes for twenty-four-hour periods so they can kill people, carry their bodies to a circle staked out in an enemy's field, tallying the dead for points. Those with the most win. (11.12)

Hmm, hunting humans? This brutal quote exposes the dehumanization people will often resort to when they dislike a certain people.

Quote #6

"One day we'll take them down." His voice goes soft. "That's all I want, really. I'd like to kill one Pure before I die. Just one." (23.39)

Sometimeswhen things aren't going right, you just want to find a consolation prize that. El Capitan just wants to kill a Pure. That's it. We should be asking ourselves right now: why is this so important to him? What will this solve?