Persepolis Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7

It was a miracle. (14.43)

Marji says this after a soldier sympathizes with her grandmother when Grandma lies and says she has diabetes. He sympathizes with her because his mother has diabetes too. Is this a miracle, as Marji (who is strong in faith) believes, or is it just coincidence?

Quote #8

Each time that I asked my mother to pray for me, my wish was granted. (27.4)

This passage marks the first time in a while that Marjane has mentioned God. We have to ask: Does she only have faith in God when he's doing something for her? What kind of way is that to treat a friend?

Quote #9

"That dose should have been enough to finish off an elephant! … Even though I'm not a believer, aside from divine intervention, I can't find any other explanation for your survival." (31.42)

Marjane takes the doctor's words divine intervention as proof that this is, in fact, the reason for her survival. Her BFF God totally saved her life. Whatever the reason, she uses her faith to realize that she wasn't meant to die during her suicide attempt, and she redirects her energies toward strengthening her identity instead of trying to destroy it.