Persepolis Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4

"Everything needs to be revised to ensure that our children are not led astray from the true path of Islam." (10.10)

Having religious leaders run Iran turns out to be a very bad idea. Not everyone believes in the same version of fundamentalist Islam that they do. Replace "Islam" with "Christianity" and instead of Iran you've just perfectly described the state of Texas.

Quote #5

"If anyone ever asks you what you do during the day, say you pray, you understand?" (10.28)

When religion becomes mandatory, the way it does in Iran, can it even be about faith anymore? Even though Marji has a strong faith in God (admittedly, it's a little shaken at this point), her faith has nothing to do with the amount of prayers she is required to make per day.

Quote #6

[The Iranian National Anthem] had been forbidden and replaced by the new government's Islamic hymn. (11.28)

It's crazy to think that a hymn could replace a country's national anthem. What's next? Saying "under Allah" when praising the flag of Iran? Oh wait…