Pericles, Prince of Tyre Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Faith, master, I am thinking of the poor

men that were cast away before us even now. (2.1.18-19)

Just as the three fishermen are talking about the shipwreck they witnessed, Pericles, the sole survivor, shows up on shore and is all, "Ta da!" Naturally, the fishermen are completely shocked to see him—especially since they had thought everybody on board was dead.

Quote #5

Hymen hath brought the bride to bed.
Where, by the loss of maidenhead,
A babe is moulded. (3.Prologue.9-11)

This is where Gower tells us that Thaisa got pregnant on her wedding night when she lost her virginity to her new husband. What's interesting about this passage is that it emphasizes the relationship between loss and birth. In other words, it's the "loss" of Thaisa's "maidenhead" that leads to Marina's conception and her eventual birth at sea. 

Quote #6

[...] Take in your arms this piece

of your dead queen. (3.1.20-21)

Once again, loss and birth go hand in hand. As Lychorida hands Pericles his newborn daughter, she simultaneously delivers the devastating news that our hero's wife has died during labor. As we know, the ship's nervous crewmembers demand that Thaisa's body be tossed into the ocean to appease the angry storm gods.