Pericles, Prince of Tyre Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

To sing a song that old was sung,
From ashes ancient Gower is come;
Assuming man's infirmities, (1.Prologue.1-3)

The cool thing about Gower is that the dude literally comes back from the dead ("from ashes"). Here, he says that he's assuming a mortal, human form ("man's infirmities") so that he can help tell the story. FYI: the English poet John Gower (1327-1408) was the poet who wrote Confessio Amantis, which is the biggest literary source for this play. He died about 200 years before Shakespeare co-wrote Pericles.

Quote #2

To glad your ear, and please your eyes.
It hath been sung at festivals, (1.Prologue.4-5)

Another cool thing about Gower coming back "from ashes" in Pericles is that it reminds us how the play itself represents a kind of rebirth. After all, Shakespeare has taken a really old story that dates back to the 5th century and has given it new life.

Quote #3

But since he's gone, the King's seas must please:

He scap'd the land to perish at the sea. (1.3.27-28)

This is where Thaliard decides to lie to King Antiochus and tell him that Pericles died at sea. Of course, Pericles will nearly lose his life when he survives a shipwreck and washes up on shore. By the way, did you notice how people in this play are always running around saying Pericles is dead? What's up with that?