The Supernatural Quotes in Outlander

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The truth is that nothing moved, nothing changed, nothing whatsoever appeared to happen and yet I experienced a feeling of elemental terror so great that I lost all sense of who, or what, or where I was. I was in the heart of chaos, and no power of mind or body was of use against it. (2.219)

Just as the stone circles seem inhuman and older than time itself, so does the power they command. Claire has trouble putting what happens to her into words… all we know is that it gives us a headache to even think about it.

Quote #5

Had I fought toward others? I had some consciousness of fighting toward a surface of some kind. Had I actually chosen to come to this particular time because it offered some sort of haven from that whirling maelstrom? (7.47)

Claire tries to figure out what the heck actually happened when she fell through the stones, but this kind of mental exercise is futile. The supernatural is supernatural because it defies logic. She, like us, can only guess at what really happened.

Quote #6

It's always two hundred years in Highland stories, said the Reverend Wakefield's voice in memory. The same thing as "Once upon a time," you know. (8.70)

As Claire listens to the Bard sing some faerie tales, she starts to wonder if they're true. How much of supernatural legend is rooted in some sort of truth? What is truth and what is embellishment?