Sex Quotes in Outlander

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Tell me if I'm too rough, or tell me to stop altogether, if ye wish. Anytime until we are joined; I don't think I can stop after that." (15.139)

And this is how Claire and Jamie begin to consummate their marriage… the first time of many. When he says he can't stop, he means it—we lose count of how many times they do it after this.

Quote #5

"You are not going to hurt me," I said impatiently. "And if you did, I wouldn't mind." (15.225)

As Gaga sings in "Poker Face," "Baby when it's love, if it's not rough it isn't fun." Claire shows Jamie what this means, and he understands that a little pain in the bedroom is a lot different from a little pain on the battlefield.

Quote #6

We took each other then, in a savage, urgent silence, thrusting fiercely and finishing within moments, driven by a compulsion I didn't understand, but knew we must obey, or be lost to each other forever. It was not an act of love, but one of necessity, as though we knew that left alone, neither of us could stand. Our only strength lay in fusion, drowning the memories of death and non-rape in the flooding of the senses. (20.76)

This is kind of like an intense version of make-up sex, except Jamie and Claire aren't making up with each other, they're making up with life. Both of them almost died after being ambushed, so they're getting reacquainted with life after this near-death experience by getting it on by the river.