Marriage Quotes in Outlander

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If I were in fact to be married, I didn't want to do it looking like the village drudge. (14.15)

Go big or go home, huh? Even though Claire's already been married once, she decides she might as well look nice for her second wedding… a wedding she doesn't even really want. Why does she care about her appearance here? Is it because she wants to look good for herself, or for Jamie?

Quote #5

I gasped as the point of the dirk scored deeply across his wrist, leaving a dark line welling blood. There was not time to jerk away before my own hand was seized and I felt the burning slice of the blade. Swiftly, Dougal pressed me wrist to Jamie's and bound the two together with a strip of white linen. (14.65)

This is where the phrase tying the knot comes from. We had no idea it was so bloody. Maybe we should start using a different phrase?

Quote #6

"Did ye no promise to obey me?" [Jamie] asked, shaking me gently. "Yes, but—" But only because I had to, I was going to say, but he was already urging my horse's head around toward the thicket. (20. 96-20.97)

As you can tell from the whole exchanging-of-blood thing above, they take marriage vows seriously in this time, and when they say obey they mean it. Jamie expects Claire to do as he says, or else she will be punished for it. Claire, used to acting of her own accord, of course disobeys. We'll see the punishment later.