Coming of Age Quotes in Ordinary People

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Eighteen years old in two weeks. Two weeks, ye gods, and what does he know? (16.14)

Here, Conrad is thinking about his inexperience with the opposite sex. It's something that stresses out many people, of both genders, as they worry about things like losing their virginity.

Quote #8

"Late-bloomers." (20.71)

Jeannine says that Capricorns, which is Conrad's sign, are late bloomers. Yet she says it in a non-judgmental way, which is important, and this makes him feel at ease with her, despite his lack of experience.

Quote #9

"Already I'm thinking about next fall," Jeannine says. "Isn't that dumb? I don't want to go away now." (30.1)

Many teenagers dream of getting away from their parents, but when the time actually comes, they suddenly find themselves afraid of what might happen next. Although they're sick of the routine, the big scary real world doesn't have a routine, and all that freedom can be frightening.