Coming of Age Quotes in Ordinary People

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He looks handsome, that's it, with those long, thick eyelashes, like a girl's. The build is all boy, though—all angles, elbows, and knees." (15.14)

Conrad is in a slightly awkward phase, based on this description. But it's an attractive awkward. He could be the member of a boy band.

Quote #5

"Kids, they sure do grow up in a hurry, don't they?" (15.47)

We have to wonder how Beth really feels about Conrad growing up. We never get any flashbacks to a happier time, so we're not sure if she was ever a warm, caring mother, or if she's just counting down the days until he leaves the nest. Does she also feel uncomfortable with the fact that he's growing up?

Quote #6

"He's not your little boy," she says. "He'll be eighteen years old next month. For some reason, you want to think he needs your constant concern and protection." (15.68)

Conrad's growing up is harder for his parents than it is for himself sometimes. Well, it's harder for Calvin. Beth just seems eager to get rid of him.