Monster Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If I got out after 20 years, I'd be 36. Maybe I wouldn't live that long. Maybe I would think about killing myself so I wouldn't have to live that long in here. (13.24)

Even with so many other dudes in prison, Steve feels completely alone—so alone that he thinks he might kill himself if he gets sentenced. Whoa. That's some major isolation.

Quote #8

"We can use some friends," she said. (17.8)

She isn't kidding—without people believing in Steve, he's toast. We all get by with a little help from our friends, though, in the end.

Quote #9

Last night I was afraid to go to sleep. It was as if closing my eyes was going to cause me to die. There is nothing more to do. There are no more arguments to make. (19.1)

Talk about isolation—Steve can't do anything but wait for a group of people he's never met (a.k.a. the jury) to decide his fate.