Monster Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

CU of a PRETTY BLACK JUROR. She is smiling.

CUT TO: CU of STEVE. He smiles.

CUT TO: CU of PRETTY BLACK JUROR. She stops smiling and looks quickly away.

MS of COURTROOM. STEVE has put his head down on the table. […] STEVE lifts his head. There are tears on his face. (8.1-4,6)

No wonder Steve feels like a monster—even "unbiased" jury members can't look at him.

Quote #5

Miss O'Brien said things were going bad for us because she was afraid that the jury wouldn't see a difference between me and all the bad guys taking the stand. I think my dad thinks the same thing. (9.2)

Do you agree with Steve here or do you think he's projecting his own concerns onto his dad? We're really not sure, and think you could argue either way.

Quote #6

She smiled at me, and I felt embarrassed that a smile should mean so much. (13.4)

Dude—smiles can go a really long way, and there's no shame in that game whatsoever. Everyone needs a smile from time to time.