Monster Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I have trouble testifying against a Black man, if that's what you mean. (16.50)

Lorelle Henry feels like testifying against King means betraying her race, and this idea haunts her. She only testifies because she feels it's the right thing to do, that King is, in fact, guilty as charged.

Quote #8

I sold the cigarettes to this guy. […] Then he sold some to a white boy and then the white boy dropped a dime on him and he dropped it on me. Once it got going it was 4-1-1, 9-1-1, 7-1-1, I guess they was dropping dimes with 800 numbers, too. (16.142)

You guys—it's the betrayal hotline.

Quote #9

I wouldn't bring anybody into a serious jam unless they wanted to be there. You can't rely on nobody that don't want to be there. (16.198)

Okay, so Bobo is super unreliable… and has a hard time finding people to rely on. No surprise there, really.