Monster Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I didn't throw that rock. You threw it.

I didn't say you threw it. I just said "Run." You should've run. (2.180-181)

Steve claims innocence here, while also implying Tony's guilty for something he actually did. Is this a betrayal?

Quote #5

You were in jail trying to be a good citizen? Or were you really just trying to get out of jail and not caring who you put in? Isn't that what you're really doing? Well, isn't it? (4.58)

Was it appropriate for Bolden to rat out Bobo? Were his actions honorable or selfish?

Quote #6

And now that you're in trouble, you'd do pretty much anything to get out of trouble, wouldn't you? And when I say anything, I mean tell lies, get other people in trouble, anything? (8.28)

This is getting to be a theme… which is good since this is the "Themes" section and all. Again we see that nothing matters but getting out.