Katniss Everdeen Quotes

Katniss Everdeen

Quote 49

I know he's telling the truth. That Gale would sacrifice his life in this way for the cause – no one doubts it. Perhaps we'd all do the same if we were the spies and given the choice. I guess I would. But it's a coldhearted decision to make for other people and those who love them. (15.11)

It's one thing to sacrifice yourself; it's <em>your</em> call. No one else is hurt but you. It's a totally different thing to sacrifice other people, to hurt others in the name of your own "cause." Here, Katniss recognizes it as "coldhearted." Despite her strong sense of justice – or, perhaps, because of it – it's the kind of activity she doesn't want to be a part of. It's bad enough to have one person sacrificing himself for her. She doesn't want others to have to do so too.

Katniss Everdeen

Quote 50

And here I am again. With people dying because of me. Friends, allies, complete strangers, losing their lives for the Mockingjay. "Let me go on alone. Lead them off. I'll transfer the Holo to Jackson. The rest of you can finish the mission." (22.18)

Here, Katniss tries to sacrifice herself and the others won't let her. She wants the rest of her group to split off from her, since she's the real target – that way they might be able to live. But the rest of the team won't leave her, staying as a unit to attempt to "finish the mission."

Katniss Everdeen

Quote 51

Far below, I can just make out Finnick, struggling to hang on as three mutts tear at him. As one yanks back his head to take the death bite, something bizarre happens. It's as if I'm Finnick, watching images of my life flash by. The mast of a boat, a silver parachute, Mags laughing, a pink sky, Beetee's trident, Annie in her wedding dress, waves breaking over rocks. Then it's over. (22.52)

This is such a sad moment. Finnick made it through <em>two</em> Games only to be torn apart by mutts. At least he had the happiness of being married to Annie and getting to live with her for a few days. Now it's all gone. And Katniss can only watch in disbelief as her dear friend slips away.