Katniss Everdeen Quotes

Katniss Everdeen

Quote 31

This is one of the few good things about 13. Getting Gale back. With the pressure of the Capitol's arranged marriage between Peeta and me gone, we've managed to regain our friendship. He doesn't push it any further—try to kiss me or talk about love. Either I've been too sick, or he's willing to give me space, or he knows it's just too cruel with Peeta in the hands of the Capitol. Whatever the case, I've got someone to tell my secrets to again. (2.77)

Friends or lovers? That's the question Katniss returns to again and again when thinking about both Peeta and Gale. Here, it seems like if circumstances had been different, Gale might have been the frontrunner for Katniss's heart. Yet, because of everything they've all gone through and Katniss's complicated relationship with Peeta, Gale doesn't even make a romantic move – although Katniss seems to think he'd like to.

Katniss Everdeen

Quote 32

There's no District 12 to escape from now, no Peacekeepers to trick, no hungry mouths to feed. The Capitol took away all of that, and I'm on the verge of losing Gale as well. The glue of mutual need that bonded us so tightly together for all those years is melting away. Dark patches, not light, show in the spaces between us. How can it be that today, in the face of 12's horrible demise, we are too angry to even speak to each other? (8.57)

Here, Katniss is questioning the very foundation of her friendship with Gale. Before, in hard times when they were allies, they were the best of friends. Now that their situation has totally changed, though, does that mean their friendship is changing as well? Katniss can't tell whether their friendship has the strength to make it through this latest development – or whether it even should.

Katniss Everdeen

Quote 33

Johanna grins, and I feel a slight but significant shift in our relationship. I don't know that we're actually friends, but possibly the word allies would be accurate. That's good. I'm going to need an ally. (17.21)

Sometimes a friend isn't as necessary as an ally, particularly in a time of war. Here, it seems like Johanna and Katniss are almost in between the two: somewhat allied, somewhat friendly. Either way, they're closer than they were before, and Katniss can finally feel less alone.