Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Chapter 2 Quotes

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Chapter 2 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

I pretended to be fine. […] I faked an entire dream journal, making my dreams sound bland and simple, the way a normal person's should be. (2.28)

Jacob tries to betray his psychiatrist by lying to him and saying he's all better, but (1) Dr. Golan is able to see right through that, like a good psychiatrist should, and (2) Dr. Golan is ultimately trying to betray Jacob by having him lead right to his grandfather's true home.

"How about when you die? Should I burn all your old manuscripts?" (2.52)

Jacob thinks it's a betrayal of his grandfather's memory if he just throws all his stuff away. But maybe it's just an age difference. What's Grandpa going to do with the stuff anyway, now that he's dead? Dad understands that, but Jacob isn't old enough to get that yet.

Quote 6

The image was so strange, and yet it was nothing like my grandfather's pictures. There were no tricks here. It was just a woman—a woman smoking a pipe. (2.107)

The realistic-looking image convinces Jacob that this might be true. If it had been a goofy-looking one, Jacob probably would have written Miss Peregrine off as fantasy right then and there.